No matter who you are, your story becomes your life. I’ll show you how to excavate, heal, and craft your stories for a more meaningful and rewarding future. 

"Stories About Stories" is a book-on-podcast. 

I wrote this book to help you discover, sort and heal your stories. It's about the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell others, and the space between those two. It's about how we love, how we lose, and how we recover (or not) through the stories we make up in our heads. It's also my story of awakening to a greater consciousness at age 35 and all that came before and after. 

The Reviews Are In... 

"Really fantastic."   "Exquisite!"   "I'm hooked."   "I'm following you all the way here, Robin..."   "Really, really helpful."   "DAMN, this podcast is good. There are so many layers, the art of storytelling, your consciousness, your fascinating and heart-wrenching story - a meta contemplation on the role of story in our lives."   "Such good writing, those exquisite turns of phrase!"   "Your story is remarkable and terrifying... eloquent with nothing extra."   "Powerful."   "Beyond beautiful." "So, so good. Robin Rice is one powerful storyteller."

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 Never Underestimate


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To discover who you are...

To heal from mother and beauty issues...

To remember magic...

To move through grief...

Living From Center

You are the center of your life. Your world is what the ancients called a "monad" - a center of existance that can be accessed by you alone. It makes sense, doesn't it? You cannot move from any center of consciousness but your own. To explore and discover your true self requires a deep dive into the monad that is you. That's the ultimate work we do together, whatever else we name it. Your work - our work - becomes the focus, for the betterment of you and then, the world. 

One-On-One Work With Robin

As a mentor and professional thinking partner, I have created exclusive, one-on-one engagements for C-Suite leaders working in the top ten companies of the world. I have crafted a way forward for founders, executives, directors of global NGOs, top-100 chart authors, influencers (for good), and philanthropic leaders... anyone regularly in the public eye. While much of my work is under strict non-disclosure, below are words from a few who could speak freely about our work together...


“Robin Rice has a singular talent for helping artists, thinkers, leaders and public intellectuals locate their own purpose and realize their dreams. Working with Robin is equal parts spiritual, joyful, pragmatic and challenging, but whether you are stalled, stuck, or just overdue for a change, the person you will discover on the other side is precisely the person you needed to become. I owe so very much to Robin as muse, cheerleader and co-conspirator; The best parts of my own work are limned with her vision.”
—Dahlia Lithwick, author Lady Justice (NYT Bestseller, #1 Oprah Fall Reading List) and one of America’s foremost legal commentators.


"I’ve been working with Robin Rice, who is very hard to describe except that she may be the wisest person I’ve ever personally known. Together we have remapped and reshaped my life and my offering in the world."
—Emily McDowell, Author and Entrepreneur


“Robin Rice is one of the most creative, out-of-the-box, and brilliant strategic minds we’ve ever worked with. She’s a master facilitator, problem solver, and coach. She guided our strategy and approach for a successful $45 Million fundraising deal. Her approach is refreshingly unique and so effective. She constantly challenged us but was always able to find lightness and fun. We walked away from our work together better storytellers, strategists, and leaders, with a clear vision of where we’re headed. We can’t recommend working with Robin more enthusiastically.”
—Rebecca Taber Staehlin and Connor Diemand-Yauman, Co-Founders and Co-CEOs, Merit America


“Robin and I first started working together ahead of an important and challenging fundraise for my early-stage business. The work we did together was incredibly valuable, and immediately actionable. The fundraise ended up being a huge success with over 1o million raised, and there’s zero doubt in my mind that working with Robin was one of the most important reasons why. Since then, our relationship has continued to grow. Robin has a true gift for listening, engaging, and mentoring, and I am truly thankful for her and the impact she has on me and our organization."
—Tony Staehelin, Founder | CEO, Benable


“I’ve now worked in-depth with Robin a few times—the latest being to help envision, pitch, map out, and offer qualitative feedback for my first book. Robin consistently met me with sage advice on the craft of writing and strong guidance on the challenges. When I felt overwhelmed, she helped me return to the project with a plan and more manageable immediate goals. Robin’s greater gifts are to listen well and to ask the questions that help me arrive at my own path forward. I look at our work and know that Robin’s contribution offered me the ability to take it to the next level, unlocking the impact I hope it can have on others. If you are considering working on the projects that matter most to you, call Robin. Her support will be invaluable.”
—Jessi Hempel, Author, The Family Outing, Time Magazine’s Top 100 Books of 2022; Podcast Host, Hello Monday; Senior Editor at Large, LinkedIn


“Robin thrives on working with world-level leaders who want to create powerful, positive change. Inevitably, working with Robin will shape and impact your entire circle of influence. Robin is present, reliable, and relishes on results.”
—Andreas Thrasy, Chairman of MyHotels, London
“I am one of the lucky few who has had the opportunity to spend six months in close conversation with Robin Rice, tackling my most intractable challenges and pursuing my wildest ambitions. No other person has done more to transform my experience of life, expand my awareness, and unlock my potential. I wake up each morning and can hardly remember the self I was when I started. If you are stuck and actually want to move past the mountain in front of you, Robin will show you how."
—Matthew Swanson, Award-Winning Author
“As an academic and professional communicator, I don't take terms such as "soul mentor" lightly, but that is what Robin has been for me, and there will be children and adults across this nation who will benefit from the change she has helped work in me and through me. In a world thirsty for people who can make a difference, Robin is truly a rainmaker, and a nurturer of rainmakers.”
—Chris Riemann, Ph.D., CREATE For STEM Institute, MSU


“My work with Robin Rice has transcended classic coaching & mentoring, going much deeper and enabling me to completely re-valuate myself, my identity, my roles, and the purpose of my life. She has done this through brilliant questioning, observational skills, and strategic thinking (humanist vs endless models), as well as a deep intuition which she seems to be able to bring to every interaction we have. This approach enabled me to understand the (often buried) fears, values, and beliefs I have that guide my day-to-day thoughts and actions. Robin has helped me be a more empathic manager, authentic leader, and skillful coach, yet the other benefits across the rest of my life have been huge. Simply put, Robin helped me wake up and live a more conscious, intentional, and joyful life. I’m forever grateful and wholeheartedly recommend Robin if you are stuck, looking to re-imagine your life or embark on the seemingly impossible, but that deep down know you have within you.”
—James Gill, Senior Director, Head of Agency Development, Linkedin Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America

Teaching You To Sing Your Song...

After a few decades of teaching, I have taken some time off to create. I'll soon be returning... Stay in touch at 


the official bio...

About Robin Rice

As an author, Robin Rice knows that the way a story is told changes the reality around it. Now, for the first time, Robin is sharing her story of awakening to greater consciousness through her book-on-podcast, Stories About Stories. Like all impactful stories, it’s really about you. Join her at as a trusted guide on the journey to uncover your rich story truths and shape the stories you’ve been waiting to tell yourself and the world. She is the author of 11 books, four of which are fiction. Find many of them at

As a story strategist, Robin has worked with bestselling authors to help them reach the Top-100-Of-The-Year lists, including Oprah, Time Magazine, and others.

As a professional thinking partner, she works with international leaders who face the scrutiny of the public eye. She enjoys serving high-impact leaders, especially those working in Artificial Intelligence.

As a social change artist, Robin has created multiple not-for-profit projects that have traveled the globe. She founded the 70,000+ member Awesome Women Hub and created a 5-city music video tour titled “What The World Needs Next.” She is the creator of, a website created to give our LGBTQ youth a loving mother's support between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. Gaining 35,000 interactions in the first 40 days, the project ran for seven years and is now a book. Robin also created the worldwide #StopTheBeautyMadness campaign, offering a stark look at our beauty messages through 25 intense graphic ads and a 10-week audio series - all for free. The campaign was covered by major media in 30+ countries, including The Today Show, Huffington Post Live, E Online, and Shape Magazine. Her first app, "50 One-Minute Meditations With Robin Rice,” found a wide audience and many of them now live on the InsightTimer app. Her podcast Goodnight Robin was created so that Robin could be your “someone to say goodnight to.” It offered a solution to loneliness at the start of the pandemic.

As an online educator, Robin has offered courses such as Training Your Inner Warrior, Finding Your Voice, Becoming A Master Storyteller With Your Life, The Art of Inner Inquiry, and This Is Awakening.

The mother of two adult sons, Robin is a traveler by nature. She currently lives in  Portugal. 

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